Dry plaster

So they also call drywall — a very popular material that has many advantages. It is perfect not only for leveling walls and ceilings, but also for creating new profiles and structures, the purpose of which is the separation of the space of rooms into zones, the creation of partitions, two -level ceilings, and so on.

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In the point of view of the physical properties, drywall is environmentally friendly, it is eliminated from harmful components, not toxic, in a word, safe. And this is a very significant advantage of drywall over other modern materials.

Dry plaster with sheets of different thicknesses and areas is produced. The most common dimensions: 2 and a half meters one and a half, there are also sheets of drywall in size 4.8 by 1, 3 meters. The thickness can vary from 8 to 24 mm.

Judging by the name, drywall is hygroscopic, since all its components perfectly absorb moisture from atmospheric air, and then release it back. However, in some cases, this quality can develop into a lack. Therefore, some manufacturers of this material have developed a waterproof version of drywall. Among the obvious advantages of dry plaster its fire resistance, excellent heat indicators and sound insulation.