Features of reconstruction of kitchen ventilation

Many «Specialists» They argue that if you reduce the size of the kitchen ventilation cabinet for the sake of a fashionable trend, then the ventilation performance does not deteriorate. In fact, this is completely wrong. The ventilation box provides for three channels. One of them, the largest, is usually a general ventilation mine, which is laid through the entire riser and ends in the attic. Through ventilation windows in the kitchen and in the bathroom, the exhaust air, which contains a full set of smells from our life, first enters two smaller channels, and only after it rises to a three -meter height, connects to the total ventilation mine.

This is done so that the smells from the lower floors do not leak on the upper. It is the poet that the spent air rises through its own channel and mixes with the general only after it rises upward. Thanks to this, the kitchen gases do not have the opportunity to penetrate the toilet or bathroom from the kitchen and spread from there throughout the apartment. If we upgrade ventilation ducts, reducing their length from a three -meter size to literally a few tens of centimeters, and at the same time also narrow the size of the total ventilation shaft, then the zone of increased pressure inside the channels is violated. As a result, part of the air will continue to rush up, but its much larger amount rushes into the closest ventilation hole of the neighboring apartment.