Features of the ceiling lighting

Lighting is an important element of the decor of the room. Когда освещение правильно подобрано, оно скрывает недостатки, которые может иметь площадь комнаты, и подчеркивает достоинства. Even the most non -original interior can be diversified using modern lighting systems. The most common way of lighting – Central, t. e. chandeliers. In the case of stretch ceilings, suspended chandeliers are used. During installation in the base ceiling, a hook is fixed on which the chandelier itself is hanged.

In addition to central lighting, special spotlights can be installed, which increase the intensity of lighting, and also divide the entire space of the room into separate functional zones. The method of illumination of the ceiling used today in most cases – Using LED strips. They are easily mounted, consume little energy, have a long operational period. It is also possible to use products such as fiber filaments. The combination of internal backlight, photo print on the ceiling and fiber -fiber threads creates a popular effect now «Starry sky». The basic rules, compliance with which will make successful backlight are:

— ceilings with reflective properties will visually expand the space;

— The rays of ceiling lamps aimed at the wall will reduce the height of the ceiling;

— rays of wall lamps aimed at the ceiling, visually raise it;

— transverse light rays will hide the length of the ceiling.