Fogging of plastic windows

Today, wooden windows are practically not used in apartments. They were rightfully replaced by plastic. But they have one serious drawback – They often fog. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that condensation appears on them. Usually fogging occurs in the cold times of the year, most often in the morning. Water gradually flows down from the windows and accumulates on the windowsill. There is nothing good in this, of course,. In most cases, the owners of the dwelling accuse the emergence of this phenomenon of window manufacturers. Indeed, in about five percent of cases, manufacturers are to blame. But other cases – the result of improper installation, which was carried out in violation of technological standards.

The causes of condensate can be:

— too low the temperature in the room;

— excessive humidity indoors;

— Excessively large width of the window sill (windows should be blown with warm air, which is impossible when the windowsill of the warm flows emanating from the battery);

— use of a single -chamber double -glazed window;

— insufficient ventilation;

— poor ventilation (the room must be ventilated daily for at least ten minutes);

— the presence on the windowsill of a large number of colors releasing moisture.