Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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Foundation defects

The foundation is a rather strong and durable design, but under certain circumstances it can lose strength and crackle. The main reasons for the fragility of the foundation are poor materials used in construction, and inappropriate quality of construction work themselves. Also, the foundation may lose strength elementary due to its old age.

The most common defect in the foundations is an uneven subsidence, which entails the appearance of cracks on the walls of brick and concrete houses, if the structure is made of wood then, it leads to its skew. There are several basic reasons for the subsidence of the foundation. First of all, the reason may be an uneven load around the perimeter of the foundation or an increase in the load after the extension of the upper floors of the structure. Unprofessional construction work can be such a reason, during which the incorrect depth of the foundation was chosen. There are also improperic events associated with lifting groundwater. In principle, there are ways to eliminate such reasons and prevent further damage to the foundation, but for this it will be necessary to perform huge amounts of work and spend a lot of money and time.