Glass replacement in a metal -plastic window

Most apartments and houses have already installed metal -plastic windows now. This is not surprising, since with a relatively low cost they have a number of advantages over wooden. However, nothing is forever, and the option of a stone, a ball during a game or something else, glass in a double-glazed window is quite likely. What to do in this case?

If the window warranty period has not yet expired, the company that has sold and installation of these windows is obliged to replace the double -glazed double -glazed window. Otherwise, you will have to carry out repair work on your own.

In order to start extracting the defeated glass from the window, it is necessary to stock up in advance the necessary things. At least it is necessary to have gloves in order to hold the glass with your hands and a blanket on which you can lay glass fragments.

First you need to carefully free your double -glazed window from the stacks available in it. This can be done by tinging each of them with a spatula or any tool suitable for this purpose. After that, you need to insert a plastic gasket from both sides under each pound. Then, pushing the plates holding the headaces at the perimeter of the window, it is removed. It is necessary to do the procedure until it becomes possible to completely get the damaged double -glazed window and replace it with whole.