Hold house

Currently, due to increasing energy consumption prices, buildings are built with increased energy efficiency. To all this, it is worth noting that most construction companies pay special attention to control over the air -free, directly buildings with the environment. Of course, this is primarily due to the so -called effect (chimney), namely, it is no secret to anyone that air pressure is growing with each floor. Thus, on the first floors, atmospheric pressure is lower than the top, thereby the warm air constantly seeks to come out in the upper part of the house. On the lower floors there is a constantly there is a suction of cold air. All this leads only to an increase in heat loss.

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Experts, in turn, propose to use enclosing structures that will reduce the heat loss to some extent. The most interesting thing is that the calculation of the air exchange rate can be calculated, taking into account the resistance of air permeability, the reverse air consumption of air directly through the unit of the area of ​​the enclosing surface, with the uniform transmission of the pressure both outside and inside. Of the most traditional and widely used building materials that have the best indicator, solid concrete seams are in this parameter.