Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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How to achieve heat in an apartment building?

In apartment buildings, housing and communal services are often refused to insulate the facade. There are many reasons, and they should not delve into them. It is much more important how to achieve higher temperatures in the apartment, but without insulation of the facade using the heat -insulating layer? Now private companies that carry out apartments in Zelenograd have developed a whole system, as a result of the use of which even in a panel house it can become warm and comfortable in the most severe frost. And such work, if desired, can be done independently.

Where to start

It is necessary to start by replacing old windows with modern plastic. It is enough to light a match and approach the windowsill, and you can already understand if the draft is strong in your house and whether the windows are missing cold. If the light will swing strongly, then it is necessary to replace the windows urgently. By the way, Skvostroy will quickly and carefully carry out such work even in the cold season of the year. After replacing windows — glaze the balcony. If the light of the match will swing and near the front door, warm it (using a bilateral adhesive tape).

Insulation of the apartment from the inside

You can insulate the apartment from the inside (the heat -insulating layer). Just take care in advance about the presence of a high -quality ventilation system. Thermal insulation is not vapor permeable, so the moisture level will increase indoors. And so that it does not turn into a fungus and mold on the walls — it should be removed using a ventilation system. All the airspace of your apartment should be completely updated for 3-4 hours. And so that it is not cold in the apartment when replacing air, install the accumulative systems for reuse of heat from the air. All equipment is not mounted.