Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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How to build and equip a cottage with your own hands?

Even articles say that it is simply impossible to build a cottage itself or, at least very difficult, besides, it is expensive and for a long time. However, no one wondered if this person tried, at least someday carrying out all these actions on his own. Most likely, just having accepted for themselves the universal opinion that this is impossible, people turn to specialists. In fact, if there are at least the slightest skills in construction, then everything can be done with your own hands not only quickly, but thereby significantly saving money on more useful things that will also help to equip the cottage. However, where to start? Start, it is just necessary from the project, this is an important stage for any construction. It is important to choose the most interesting solution, which will be not only by the wallet, but also.

That is, you should not immediately start with a huge two -story dacha, which is accompanied by a terrace of complex shape, balconies and other elements. Choose a simple one -story structure, after which, over the years, it can be completed, additional floors and so on. Build a cottage, better from a block or from wooden materials. It is fast and not as difficult as working with other materials. No less interesting is the frame construction, but there are many nuances that need to be taken into account. It is also easier to build with your own hands, if you consult with specialists, enlist their support. However, do not go to the construction company and pay for this consultation, contact the Internet, there are many sites, blogs, as well as other resources that store the most valuable information. Read the articles and draw conclusions.

The latter I really want to say that if you can’t do some kind of work with your own hands, if you feel that it is impossible, it is better to call the master. Therefore, at least partially, but you can save on construction. The main thing is to approach the process correctly and calculate your strength.