How to correctly install a toilet

We all know that there is nothing eternal. And many people think that plumbing can last a long time, they are deeply mistaken. For example, the toilet can also fail. If you decide to make a major overhaul, you must definitely install a new toilet. Looking for a good site and buy it cheaper there.

In order to serve this type of plumbing for a long time, it must be correctly installed. This type of work requires a special approach and scrupulousness and at the same time a negligent attitude to the installation of the toilet will not be accepted. That is why, if you do not have the necessary experience in installing toilets, it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

The first thing you need to start working on the installation of the toilet, so this is with the choice of its location. The main distinguishing feature of this plumbing equipment is that not only water passes through it, but also more solid products. In whatever their accumulation occurs, the toilet is best placed next to the sewer pipe.

To date, the toilets are most often fastened to the floor. For this, two holes are drilled at the base of the floor, then the toilet is installed, connected to water and sewage systems and is screwed with large bolts.