Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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How to deal with parasites in the house

A house for a person is a “fortress” and a safe place where you can fully relax, have a great time in the company or loneliness, and also enjoy dimensionality, safety and comfort. However, it often happens that the once comfortable dwelling suddenly became a refuge for various parasites, which, by their presence, bring not only inconvenience, but also deprive of calm, and also cause significant harm to a person. But how to prevent it?

Tips and recommendations

It is worth noting that pathogenic organisms constantly attack us all. That is why it is important to comply with the established rules regarding hygiene, and purity in the home. However, if the house was nevertheless “captured” hordes of fleas, bugs, ants or rodents, it is best to entrust their expulsion to professional disinfectors. Order cleaning from bugs, ants or other parasitic insects, here you can.

In order to prevent the development of unsanitary conditions in the house, it is necessary to regularly clean it, ventilating it and washing it. So, it is recommended to daily ventilate housing, and also prevent the accumulation of dirty dishes and underwear. In addition, workers and kitchen tables should regularly be freed from dust and other contaminants. Also, at least three times a week you need to wash floors with special soap products.

To preserve the hygiene of cabinets and warehouse compartments-rooms (Temnushki, cabinets, mezzanines, etc.), it will be necessary to conduct their full inspection and «bust» 1-2 times a year. And in the process, it is important to carry out disinfectant cleaning of the shelves and doors, and all the contents need to be carefully sorted out, while getting rid of outdated and unclaimed things and devices.

To ensure the safety of the kitchen, you should perform a general cleaning of all objects and sets twice a year, including walls, windows and “nooks”. At the same time, dishes, a variety of vases, figurines or decorative dishwashers should also be thoroughly washed and examined.