How to insulate a bath without expensive heaters

If your bathhouse is heated for a long time and almost instantly protrudes, then your bath unequivocally misses heat. It is best to insulate a bathhouse with some kind of insulation, but if there is no money for it, then you can use improvised means. So, before insulation, you must first find out where you get warm. The easiest way to do this is in winter, in the place where heat comes out, a sore lump of hoarfrost is formed. This place must be blocked with construction foam outside and snus.

But basically the reason for the quick cooling is not only that heat comes out of the cracks, but due to the fact that it goes into the ground. To check this enough to attach a hand to the floor while in the bath a temperature of more than 40 degrees. If it feels that cold air comes from cracks, then you need to warm the floor. The best floor insulation in the bath is foam, just lay a sheet of hard thick foam on the floor, the floor should be even, otherwise the foam will instantly break. If none of this helped, then you need to insulate the door, insulate it with a felt or some other warm material.