How to purchase a summer cottage

Recently, it is very fashionable to have a summer house and a summer house where you can go on the weekend in order to work a little on the ground, and then rest, listening to birds and inhaling the aroma of herbs and flowers. Since having a cottage, it is fashionable, numerous companies have appeared that are engaged in the construction and sale of country houses and country land plots. Find a land plot with or without a house, purchase it and start mastering it at all will not be a problem for you. However, after a while, legal issues may arise, which, as it turns out, are not settled. It can also happen that the owner of the land will suddenly appear, which will also have documents for him, or if you suddenly find out that your land is part of the protected fund or belongs to the strategic objects of the state. Therefore, you need to follow certain tips. First of all, you can purchase a plot in a country cooperative, which has long existed on legal grounds.

You can also acquire land ownership, and then build a building on it, which will become a country house. You need to make sure that the land you bought, the previous owner was legally received.

If a reserve is located in the immediate vicinity of the Earth, then it is better not to acquire such land, because it can also be reserved. Therefore, it is better to buy a house next to the city line, and there to create frescoes on the walls that will become a good decor. If you study the technique of creating frescoes in detail, you can try to create it yourself.