Installation of a cornice for curtains

Install the cornice for curtains – This is not such a simple task as it seems at first glance. This requires a certain practical and theoretical training. But sometimes it can be done with your own hands. First of all, you need to know what material your ceiling or wall is made of material. This should be proceeded when selecting fasteners. Polypropylene dowels are usually used. To install the cornice, you will need a level, a perforator and a screwdriver.

The first thing to do – It is to mark the cornice. If you hang the cornice not on the horizontal level, then the species will be terrible. This requires two people – one holds the cornice, the other makes markings. After the markings are made, you need to double -check the level. If you fasten the cornice into the ceiling, you need to read the instructions, the markup should be made by roulette so that the distance from the wall to the window is the same. The best fastening option – This is a self -tapping screw that screws into a plastic dowel. We drill a hole in the wall, insert the dowel and mount the cornice using a self -tapping screw. If you fasten the cornice in drywall, the toto of the holes should be drilled carefully so as not to spoil the drywall, then we put a special dowel. Then we continue installation according to the standard scheme.