Installation of glass blocks

Laying glass blocks can occur in two ways. At the first of them, they are first determined with the location, that is, where the main partition of glass blocks will stand. For the preparation of the solution, one part of the cement and three waters are used, and accordingly, all this is mixed. To achieve certain plasticity, it is necessary to add PVA glue. It is important that in consistency the solution does not turn out to be too thick. Glue for tiles can also be used as an alternative. Work begins with the styling to the floor of a steel stainless rod, and their fastening is carried out in the holes made in advance in the wall. Having finished styling, they move to the breakdown of the seams, and washing the blocks themselves from the traces of the solution. After final hardening, the seams are laid by a specialized mixture.

As for the other method, it is distinguished by the purity of the course, since there is no need to use the solution. A modular grate is made from wood, and the sizes of these modules must correspond to the laid blocks. Fix the blocks to the base of the grate with dowels. Also, after laying, the blocks should be additionally strengthened by rubber gaskets.