Installation of Ondulin

Bitumen slate will provide high -quality protection against all kinds of natural factors. Ondulin sheets weigh about5 kGI, the installation of the coating does not cause special problems. The material is easy to raise and is not difficult to hold during fastening. The warranty period is 15 years.

Onedulin is attached to the crate with roofing nails. The light weight of the material involves the use of at least 20 fasteners for fastening, otherwise the material can be disrupted by a gust of wind. The installation step of the elements of the crate is determined by the slope of the roof, for a slope with an angle up to 10° Only a continuous crate is arranged.

When arranging the crate, it should be borne in mind that the minimum length of the roof slope for Ondulin is 2 m. The bars are attached to the rafters, the distance between the bars is up to80 cm. With a greater step, additional rails are installed. If a continuous crate is required, plywood or flooring is laid on top of the beams.

Ondulin sheets begin to be attached from the lower right corner. The second row begins with a cut vertically in half in half. The nails are driven horizontally, for the first row it is necessary to drive a nail into each wave, the second and subsequent rows of sheets are fixed through one comb. The skate element is mounted overwhelming waves. Simplifying the installation of ondulin will allow the use of auxiliary accessories.