Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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Installation of the door handle

One of the stages of construction in a house or apartment is the installation of doors, which must include mounting the door handle (if all the work on creating a box and door itself is performed at home without attracting extraneous assistance). Nowadays, there are two varieties of door handles: mortise and invoices. It is easier to install a patch pen that is simply screwed with screws on both sides of the door leaf. More difficult work is ahead when mounting a cut handle, which has a latch. To do all the work really correctly, you need to follow some recommendations.

First you need to attach the handle to the door and outline its contour with a pencil. At the end, outline the locations of the latch, which should be drilled with a drill. Then the latch is applied to the resulting deepening and the overlage circuit is circled again. According to the marks made using a bite and kiyanka, we get the necessary recesses. All work needs to be done calmly and accurately to avoid the appearance of cracks on the door. Insert the latch into the hole, which should be fixed using anchor screws. On the inserted axis you need to put on the door handle on both sides. The overhead part also must be firmly fixed. Then it is necessary to cover the door and make a mark on the location of the latch on the door frame. With the help of a bit, knock out the necessary recess on which a metal plate fixed with screws should be applied on top.