Kitchen design

It’s nice to work in a beautifully designed and purely cleaned kitchen. A lot, oh how much you need to attach taste and artistic flair, so as not to make a mistake and correctly arrange decor elements. Firstly, at first you should decide which style is preferable. Whether it will be a kitchen high -tech, or a noble classic style? Or maybe it is worth decorating this corner in a provincial style? The style of the French village is now at the peak of fashion, it is called differently Provence. The Provencal style, despite the fact that he originated in Southern France, in Provence, gradually won the space of all of Europe, and then the whole world. It is so peculiar and original, so it fell in love with designers that even the decor stores are created special, dedicated only to the Provence style.

If the kitchen is decorated in this wonderful version, the presence of dishes in the form of pans and pots on open shelves is only welcome. However, there is one small subtlety here. As you know, pans are dirty every day, and it is difficult to wash them off. But it is they who should serve as a decoration, and they should be so cleaned that they should shine, as if just bought. It is enough to hang on the cloves of the beams of herbs, arrange the jugs, paint the tables in white, and the Provence style, in general, was created.