Lining the balcony lining

Lining — the most popular finishing material. Very often used to decorate loggias and balconies. This is due to the practicality and durability of the material. Balcony sheathing is carried out according to a pre -mounted frame, the so -called crate. For this, rails are used, which are installed parallel to each other at the top and bottom. Dowel is used to fasten the supporting structure. In the formed space between the crate and the wall of the balcony, thermal insulation material can be installed. This will significantly insulate the balcony. When installing the frame, it is necessary to observe the evenness of the structure for which the building level is used.

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After the installation of the crate, you should start the installation of the lining actually. This process is quite easy, but requires accuracy and attentiveness. The mounting of the planks is carried out by means of grooves and rowers. To the frame, the rack fastening is carried out by means of nails that are clogged in the crests. For an aesthetic type of hat, nails are driven into the board using a dopedic. After installation of the lining, it is necessary to process the surface with paint and vanicus materials. As a rule, a stain, olifa and varnish are used.

About the author

I was born on July 24, 1975 in a small mining town located in the Kemerovo region. In a turning point in 1992 he graduated from a school with a silver medal and decided not only to enter a higher educational institution, but to radically change his life. To embody the ambitious plans, I had to attach

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