Low -rise construction: a wooden staircase on bowstring with your own hands

The stairs on bowstring differ from the stairs on the Kosoura in the fact that in the first case, the attachment of the offensive is carried out not on top of the support beams, but directly in them. Therefore, one of the time -consuming operations in the manufacture of this type of stairs will be performed an accurate marking of the location of the holes (the holes should be located on the same level on both beams, and the sizes of the recesses should be as accurate as possible to avoid the stairs of the stairs). To ensure the accuracy of the location of the holes, you can use a plywood stencil, performed according to the calculated values ​​of the height of the approach and the width of the.

The attachment with bowstring can be carried out in several ways: with the help of wedges (in this case, the hole in the beams is performed by a trapezoidal shape, and after installing the drama, the connection density is achieved using wedges that are processed with glue); with the help of wooden doughs (or spikes, for which holes should first be drilled in bowls and troops); with the use of additional bars that are attached to the bowstring, and the steps are installed on these bars).

It should be borne in mind that the procedure for assembling the stairs will depend on the chosen method of attaching steps: if the downshole is attached to the grooves, then they need to be installed before fixing the bowstring, if bars are used for fastening, first they are fixed with a bow.

To ensure the strength of the design of the bowstring, it is recommended to tighten with metal rods with a thread at the edges. They can be installed before fixing the steps or after, which depends on the mounting method.