Minus and plus of a decorative cinder block

Builders are very fond of working with this building material. And all due to the fact that the size of this building material is large, but the mass is small and because of this to build a house from this material will not be much work and will not take much time. But at the same time it is not popular. And all due to the fact that he has a plus and minus. The price of a slag block is low, and all due to the fact that this material is made with available material. Another huge plus of this material is that thermal conductivity is very low.

In the construction market, this material is not acquired only because of one minus. Slag block does not tolerate any contact with water. But the manufacturers decided to fix this minus and came up with a decorative slag block. In a decorative slag block, the characteristic is very similar to the characterization of a conventional cinder block, but the decorative slag block is resistant to water. Why is it so? And all due to the fact that the manufacturers added a layer to it, which protects the slag block from the water. This layer is made from one side of the cinder block well or on both sides at once. Because of this, you can very often hear that a universal one is seemed to this building material.