Of course, we all want to care for the bathroom to ensure that we have bought or installed units always remain initially fresh, beautiful and in working condition. But, you see, any thing needs to care for both accessories and the repair of the bathroom is no exception.

So where to start caring for the bathroom. The first thing that should be paid to is the walls, floor and ceiling. Walls and floor, if you are finished with tiles a lot of work on caring from you will not require. Here you need only a wet rag and a detergent for ceramic tiles.

As for the ceiling, there are a lot of options here. At the initial stage of repair, we advise you to pay attention to stretch ceilings. Go to the site www. Avatar24.ru will find the highest quality stretch ceilings from world manufacturers who mount real professionals in their field. As professionals say, suspended ceilings are the most convenient and practical ceiling coatings that do not need careful care and do not cause any problems during operation.

As for small accessories for the bathroom, wipe, for example, metal or chrome surfaces, follows after each use. If you have plastic accessories, then special care is required, only wipe them with a damp cloth a couple of times a week and this will be enough.