Production and use of expanded clay concrete blocks

However, is it possible to talk about the quality and safety of a particular material, not having previously familiarized with all its features, including the manufacturing process?

Ceramzitonic blocks are an alternative option of concrete and brick. Such blocks are more lightweight, as well as practicality. They include almost all the advantages of these materials, however, are more universal and simple in the laying process.

A similar material is made based on light concrete and coarse -grained aggregate, which is expanded clay with the addition of cement. In addition, a small amount of sand is included. In the process of special processing, a combination of such materials allows you to get a durable, light and unusually strong product, which is called expanded clay concrete block.

The production of expanded clay concrete blocks occurs using the vibro -pressing process, after which the prepared mixture acts with a high temperature, which allows you to endow the material with high reliability and strength. It is noteworthy that when choosing expanded clay, which is used when creating this material, manufacturers, as a rule, collaborate with trusted suppliers, since its quality largely depends on the quality of the finished expanded clay concrete block, and therefore the cost.

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The final strength, durability and reliability of the material is ensured by the use of the correct ratio of cement and water. At the same time, the cement used for these purposes is also always checked for the quality.

Thus, we can confidently say that expanded clay concrete block is a completely safe material for the environment and human life, which is a rather important quality characteristic. That is why such material is everywhere used in the process of individual and mass construction of residential premises, offices and other buildings.