PVC linoleum and glyftal linoleum

In addition to linoleums made on the basis of natural materials, Linoleum from PVC has gained no less popularity today. Linoleum made of polyvinyl chloride today is available on various bases: foamed, fabric, heat -insulating non -woven base. Also on sale you can find polyvinyl chloride linoleum without a base or single -layer and multi -layer. Like linoleum on a natural basis, PVC linoleum is not free from the shortcomings. Such a coating, with the exception of linoleum on a foamed basis and linoleum with a fiberglass at the base, gives a significant percentage of shrinkage. This indicator reaches 2% at high temperature. PVC linoleum material has a specific smell that disappears over time.

Glyftal linoleum is traditionally made on a fabric basis. The coating is based on alkyd resin and various fillers. In this case, it can have one or more color or printed pattern. Such linoleum has much the best indicators of heat and sound insulation compared to PVC linoleum. Like PVC-linoleum, such a coating does not retain the initial forms. So over time, the glyftal linoleum strips become shorter, but increase in width.