Rattan furniture

To date, almost every of us has a summer house. And in order to do not relax to it after a difficult labor week, to make suitable conditions for this. The main role in creating a cozy and comfortable design is played by country furniture. Wicker furniture made of rattan is particularly popular: chairs, tables, armchairs and sofas.

Rattan is long vines that have their own special properties. Natural rattan grows mainly in Southeast Asia. Due to the special qualities of this material, wicker furniture is quite plastic and durable. Today, thanks to a large assortment of country furniture made of natural rattan, you can find both modest and budget and stylish and expensive.

Country furniture made of artificial rattan

Thanks to a rapidly striving progress, experts created an artificial rattan, which is a long thread of synthetic material and silk thread inside. Due to this design of artificial vines, products are quite strong, resistant to external influence and environmentally friendly. The appearance of artificial rattan is no different from natural. Sofas, armchairs and chairs for a summer residence made of artificial rattan are very practical and durable. Due to their properties of the inappropriateness of external influences, they serve 20-25 years and at the same time do not lose an attractive appearance.

Of the advantages, it is also worth lifting the lightness of this type of furniture. It can be transferred from place to place without making a lot of effort.

And you can purchase such furniture from a rattan for a summer residence in any online store without leaving your home, for example on the site .