Real estate in the Czech Republic

In recent years, thanks to the economic rise in the Czech Republic, the active construction of residential buildings has unfolded. Both wealthy Czechs and the middle segments of the population, began to intensively master the empty sections in the suburbs of Prague. In addition to the growing level of the well -being of the townspeople, a profitable mortgage lending system served as an incentive for construction. The number of offers in this market turned out to be so great that during the competition, banks began to reduce interest rates and soften the conditions for borrowers.

In the Czech Real Estate market, several general trends are observed related to the construction of housing of a certain type. Consider them in more detail.

1. Panel houses

Panel houses, or in a Cheshik «panels», were built in Prague in the era of socialism. At the moment, this fund includes 1.2 million. apartments. But the state of the houses themselves leaves much to be desired. Therefore, in the Czech Republic, a program was launched to update and repair «panels». During this program, wall insulation and facade restoration is carried out.

2. New buildings

This direction develops especially actively, especially in the capital and Karlovy Vary. Thanks to the already mentioned lending system, the cost of housing in the Western Czech Republic turned out to be quite acceptable for the wide layers of the population. Even the global economic crisis was not able to stop the development of this industry. There are practically no unfinished projects in the Czech Republic, as well as deceived buyers. But there is a problem with the implementation of the construction time.

3. Commercial and industrial buildings

Actively developing economy is associated with an increase in the number of industrial enterprises. In recent years, their number has increased many times. Of course, the construction of new business centers, factories, warehouse premises and assembly shops is underway. At the same time, the restoration of old buildings continues.

In a word, the Czech Republic of Czech Republic is a profitable sphere for investment and investing. More information can be found on the site.