Replace the stove with a fireplace

Glass stoves heated by a solid fuel furnace were an integral attribute of any not only rural, but also houses placed in urban conditions. After the cost of gas and electricity, electric heaps or gas nozzles were installed in such furnaces, respectively, the room was heated by gas or electricity.

Когда цены на теплоносители (газ, мазут, электричество) поползли вверх, многие застройщики предпочитают заменить старую кафельную печь твердотопливным камином с системой распределения воздуха. It is not difficult to do this, but the developer is all, you will have to face some difficulties. First you need to completely disassemble the old furnace, it is recommended to do this very carefully, with the same as lower damage to the tile. Remember, such a tile is not sold anywhere and no one makes it. Such material can be safely sold to developers in a village or independently make a stove on a suburban area. Next, the developer will have to pierce one of the chimney channels passing from the adjacent furnace, if this is not done, then the heat from the fireplace will simply be blown away by a draft. Channels can also be insulated using mineral wool.