Siding. Disadvantages and advantages. Shrub of a bath

Siding — relatively new finishing material in our country. North America and Canada have been successfully using it for more than a hundred years. Today, the domestic market offers us wooden and wood, vinyl and cement, as well as metal siding. It is also called steel. Metal siding occurs many colors. The disadvantages of it can be attributed to a very large weight, and this is an additional load on the foundation of the house. Any dent that can appear by negligence on the wall trimmed with siding, it is most often impossible to fix. If you are going to buy a log house, then contact the company «Master Bath». Prices are indicated from the manufacturer. See the characteristics of the log cabin of a log from a log on the company’s website.

Wood siding is a wolf fibers made under high pressure and high temperature with adhesive substances and various resins. Protection against harmful environmental influences for lining is several layers of paint or varnish. This type of siding is expensive. Suitable for interior decoration of the premises. Its service life is 15 years.

Wooden siding is made from solid dried boards that have passed heat treatment. Otherwise it is no different from the siding of the wood

Cement siding does not burn. Disadvantages — its great weight and cost, some difficulties in installation.

Vinyl siding is stronger and durable than wooden and wood, very easy to install, much cheaper than other types. Dirt and dust do not stick to him. Serves at a temperature of -50+50 degrees up to 50 years. This is an ideal option for outdoor decoration of any home.

Let’s summarize:

— wood — expensive, not very common;

— wooden — expensive, not very practical;

— cement — expensive, heavy, composed in installation;

— metal — expensive and heavy;

— vinyl — a lot of advantages, but combustible.