Some tricks for creating a more spacious apartment

Having a rather small living area, the question often arises of possible ways to increase it. The simplest and most common option in this case is the destruction of the existing partitions between the small room and the hallway, as well as the kitchen and the living room. If there is no desire to face dusty and very laborious work, then it is enough to replace several doors in the room with arches. In addition, to increase space, you can install mirrors in certain places, which visually significantly help solve the issue of small living space. You can also distinguish between the existing room on the zones using multi -level racks or functional partitions.

Additionally, compact furniture will also help to save space, which involves the presence of folding tables, chairs and beds. It is also recommended to use various hanging structures that will help to place all the necessary things at hand, while not occupying an additional place. A small podium will help to separate the recreation area, which will also serve as a pantry or cabinet for bedding. The color of the room plays far from the last role. For a visual increase in space, cold tones of walls with a small pattern are perfect. When choosing wallpaper, you need to be guided not only by your own preferences, but also to take into account the advice of specialists.