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Sound insulation of walls

The sound insulation of the walls can be done independently, with your own hands, and, as the experts say, this work is under the power of almost each of us, provided that the desire, and the lack of laziness.

Talk on the topic «Why is the sound insulation of the walls needed» You can for hours, but if you have such a question, then you need to do it. Perhaps the noise of the neighbors, or loud music, or the crying of children and swearing, barking three dogs, and so on, in fact, all this does not matter, but the only important thing is that you need soundproofing walls. Maxforte has far advanced in creating soundproofing materials. The development is based on the real experience of many specialists from different fields. Before starting work on the sound insulation of your house or apartment, you will need to free the walls, floor, as well as the ceiling, removing all finishing materials from their surface. After that, check them for the presence of cracks, the sound can penetrate to you through them. If something similar is detected, you need to close them thoroughly, pay attention and sockets. A non -insulated outlet increases the penetration of noise, by about a couple of dozen dB.

Inspect the holes in the ceilings, and the walls, in those places where pipes pass. After that, sit down and listen to where the sounds penetrate the most. If the cause is too loud neighbor behind the wall, then start the sound insulation of your walls. But if the sound passes from the wall with a problem neighbor to adjacent structures, then you can not do without sound insulation not only walls, but also the ceiling and floor. Comprehensive sound insulation will need to be done if neighbors are interfering with lives.