Storage warehouse for storage of things

Each person knows the situation of the following plan: they bought new furniture, and the old one has nowhere to children. Or the thing is outdated, but it is still good and it is a pity to throw it away. Many of us have many such things that clutter up the living space of our dwellings. And they do not differ in a large area. Abroad, this problem has been resolved a long time ago, there in almost any city there are storage facilities that provide warehouse cells of any size to ordinary citizens to store individual things. Now such a service has appeared in our country, however, so far only in the capital’s cities. This type of service is still very young in our country and finding such a warehouse is not easy. One of these complexes is a «warehouse», which has several centers in Moscow. You can get acquainted with the conditions and reviews of this complex on the site where, among other things, you can see the conditions and cost of renting a cell. The storage facilities are equipped with modern climate maintenance systems, so your things will be in full safety and safety. You can rent a cell for a different period, from several weeks (for example, while you are repairing the apartment) to several years. You can take any things for storage: children’s toys, sports equipment, furniture, antiques, tourist equipment, clothes, automobile supplies and spare parts, books and just old things. For all these items, optimal storage conditions will be created, excluding damage.