Stretch ceilings, pros and cons of

Traditional whitewashing and painting ceilings, as options for designing the ceiling, is already far in the past. And the problem of aligning the surface of the ceiling has always been very relevant with this method of finishing. Today’s interiors’ designers offer us many options for seamless ceiling design, which, first of all, will hide all the flaws of the ceiling and help make a spectacular decoration of the room.

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As any innovation, stretch ceilings have their zealous admirers, but there are no less zealous opponents. The latter argue that they are electrified and collect all dust, burst and call drywall, as the best version of the ceiling coating. Supporters of suspended ceilings have something to object. Firstly, and secondly, immediately, the material from which such ceilings are made is a good insulator, so it cannot attract anything, even dust. Thirdly, if we talk about drywall, then during installation it can take up to ten centimeters of space near the room, when stretch-no more than four. And the price of the ceiling made of drywall is much higher than when installing stretch ceilings. The quality of any material cannot be eternal, but in any case ten years of the guarantee that the manufacturer gives is also not small. Everyone can choose to their liking, there are many options.