Surption of streets

Surption of streets is an important part of the city maintenance. This is one of the processes related to the cleaning of urban territories. Large trucks (sweeping cars) travel along the streets of the city, removing garbage. This is one of the decisive measures for safe driving, human health and aesthetics. The organization’s management process sets the schedule and calculate the amount of the necessary special equipment in order to prevent the streets on a regular basis.

Work on the scening of streets is carried out by order of state structures, as well as for private, commercial territories when paying by the enterprise. In some cases, utilities, HOAs or communities of residents can order the cleaning of the adjacent territories.

Special machines can remove garbage from the streets and transport it to landfills. Another type of machine, water-sole, clean the carriageways with water and giant brushes. In some cases, antiseptics are mixed into the device to remove urine and other dubious and unhealthy waste from the street.

The effectiveness of the streets is significantly reduced by vehicles parked along the street, so there are a number of traffic rules, according to which parking at certain hours on one side of the road is prohibited.

The most obvious reason to sweep the streets is to remove unsightly debris, but there are other goals. In a number of cities in the world, the cleaning of the streets is required, so that garbage from them does not go into nearby ponds. That is, this reduces the risks of pollution of lakes and even seas and oceans. Clean streets are also designed to stand guard of a person who may not be afraid for inhalation of dust, instead of fresh air. Cars also remove potentially dangerous garbage, reducing the number of accidents in the city.

Financing streets, as a rule, lies on the city budget. But you can hire a private company for cleaning certain territories. In addition, if problems with streets are observed in certain areas of the city, then you can file complaints.