Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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The advantages of the floating floor

Today, a huge number of people are simply dreaming of getting rid of extraneous noise in their apartments. Such a noise is called shock, because it occurs when it falls or move any objects, and as a rule, it mainly torments the inhabitants of multi-storey buildings. To rid such noise, they usually used carpet or linoleum, but today a “floating” floor is a great option. This type of floor is installed on top of the existing one and can reduce noise by almost 50%.

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Sound insulation is ensured by the fact that the materials that make up the floating floor are not attached to the wall, thereby not giving sound and air sounds to spread. If you consider in more detail the advantages of such a gender, it becomes clear that it has not only sound insulation, but also insulates the floor. If you properly lay the floating floor, then it can last for many years and not require any repairs, this happens because the floating floors are not attached to anything, which means that there will be nothing to break. Plus, this type of sex is considered quite strong, since they quite evenly distribute the load.