The choice of a quality mixer

It is currently impossible to supply the bathroom and the kitchen with water, while without using special water consumption regulators. The main thing is that the faucets were reliable and were quite easy to use.

The faucets of our time must meet these requirements.

The control of the mixer should be extremely simple so that even children can use it.

Another, a lot of important requirements for mixers is to ensure changes when mixing hot and cold water. It will not be superfluous on the site

And finally, a good mixer has a switching function between the shower and the sink. Moreover, the work is not performed arbitrarily, t. e mixer should not switch these two modes to himself.

When choosing a mixer, experts recommend buying one that has a built -in hot water limiter. This limiter is intended for the most part for children, so that they do not scald themselves, including water.

Usually, two mixers are installed for the bathroom — one for the sink, the other for the shower.

Clubs are two types: hidden and open.

Usually, the owners of the apartments install classic faucets that have one lever or mixers with two valves. Two valves mixer are controlled separately with cold, separately hot water. And the mixers with a lever that are representatives of the latest generation control the temperature supply of water in the plane.