The principles of the design of the room

One of the important tasks when decorating the premises – Create the right lighting. After all, it is the light that will affect our consciousness, as well as determine the perception of various information. Depending on the type of room and we can choose light lighting and equipment. Thus, a soft yellow color is usually used for the home, since it will create a feeling of comfort and heat. The office often uses white light, which will activate performance.

Only here it should be borne in mind that it should not be too bright so that it does not lead to overwork. But the light is not the only factor that will affect the mood and emotional state of people. The environment plays an important role. The use of various techniques with space will have a great influence. So, on what color the walls will be, the mood of a person will depend.

The role also plays furniture. If we talk about furniture at work, then you need to choose the most convenient furniture. At home, you should not clutter up the whole room with furniture, then it will put pressure on consciousness, and the room in this case will seem less. To expand the room, you can use stretch ceilings together with the correct lighting.