Three stages of wall painting

Any painting of surfaces regardless of size is performed in several stages. First, preparation. Secondly, the color of complex areas. Thirdly, painting large areas. Let’s try to consider each of the stages a little more in more detail. Let’s start with preparation. This stage is divided into several parts. First of all, get rid of the old coating, that is, from wallpaper, paint, plaster. Next, check the walls for evenness. In the event that you notice serious potholes or vice versa of the hollows, then you will have to seriously work with them. So, they chose the worst option – Crooked walls. We take putty and begin to align them. Remember that the walls for painting should be perfect, otherwise you will have terrible groomed walls.

We go to the second stage. Prepare a small brush in advance, which will simply get to the most inaccessible places such as the space behind the radiator, as well as the corners. So, at this stage you should carefully, without damaging the already colored battery, paint over the wall behind it. Conduct the same procedure and with corners. Well, the last stage – This is painting the main surface. To do this, you need a regular roller. You may ask why not a brush, but the answer to this question is too simple: painting will take much longer with a brush than a roller.