Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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Tile characteristics

Now tiles are one of the best building materials for the floor. It can be lined with the floor in the apartment, a country house and office. But for the tile to serve for a long time, you need to know its main characteristics.1 wear resistance. Floor tiles have 5 classes of resistance to mechanical effects. The choice of tiles depends on where it will be. PEI I class is recommended only for wall decoration. PEI II tiles are designed to walk in soft shoes or bare feet. It is perfect for rooms and bathrooms. For offices and non -residential premises, it is better to choose floor tiles with a PEI III class. The most wear -resistant class of floor tiles is PEI V. It can be safely placed in the yard or by the pool.

2 ability to absorb water. If the tile repays a lot of moisture from the external environment (this is relevant for the floor in the bathroom and near the pool), then it may collapse. The more in the tile of «pores», the greater its ability to absorb water. So that the tile serves more preference, whose porosity is less.

3. Resistance to chemicals (for example, detergents). According to this characteristic, the tile is five classes. Tiles of classes AA, A, B, after the action of chemicals, will remain in its original form. But there are chemicals will fall on the tile of class C or D, then it will become unusable. Sustainness to chemicals is important for tiles that will be in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

4. The hardness of the tile. This characteristic shows whether tiles are well opposed to scratches. Hardness varies on a scale from 3 to 9. The higher the number on the scale, the greater the hardness. The tiles should pay attention to this characteristic when choosing a material for the corridor, steps and stairs.

If you built a cottage, then it can be finished with materials. The company «Tricolor» provides services for turnkey cottages and their repair. Promotions are held. You can see examples of their finishes of turnkey cottages.