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Types of colors

Paints that are used in the building have different carriers. In the paint on the water base, the pigment and the binder is contained in water in a suspended state in the form of very small particles. Such an emulsion is similar in appearance with milk, has the name of water -based paint, in America it is more often called latex. When water evaporates, droplets form a whole film of paint.

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In alkyd paint, the binder and pigment are suspended in the solvent based on kerosene, they dry longer than water paints. In America, such paints are called oil paints, despite the fact that some species are called alkyd. Such paints, after drying, have a characteristic colorful smell that many do not like, and some even cause allergies. Understanding the harm that some types of solvents do to people led to the unpopularity of the use of this type of paints. In some countries, they have already imposed a ban on.

The colors have a number of other additives that improve their characteristics. The most interesting of these additives gives tixotropic paint, it does not drip. This makes it possible to type more paint on the brush and apply it with a thicker layer, often once to paint the surface.