Types of foundations

There are several types of foundations, their difference is the difference in manufacturing material. Concrete foundations consist of a mixture of concrete solution and filler. The filler (gravel or crushed stone) is applied to the formwork and poured with a solution of concrete with subsequent tamping. If the foundation is reinforced concrete, then the perimeter is enclosed by a metal structure and poured with concrete. In turn, such a design gives more strength to the foundation. The disadvantages include high cement consumption.

Boutor foundations are put from stone, one who has flat edges is better suited. Stones are put so that there are as few gaps as possible between them. The foundation is very durable and durable. Flaw – labor -intensive work when laying, making it easier in places rich in stone.

Butoton foundations consist of filler. As the latter, brick, gravel, gravel, laughter stone, etc. can be used as the latter. D. To fix the filler, the solution is used.

Collective foundations are folded from concrete or reinforced concrete blocks. Blocks are harvested with wire, tightly pulling them together. Tightened blocks are placed on the solution. Significant minus – very expensive in cost.