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I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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Using concrete contact when decorating surfaces

The approach to repair each for himself determines in different ways. Someone does not need to save on funds, and someone is trying to spend as little money as possible. One of the tricks that use the latter is the gluing of the old material for a new. The external beauty of the surface is significantly improved. For example, tiles can be put even on a glass surface. And one of the most suitable materials for this purpose is concrete contact. This is a liquid solution. Its basis is acrylic containing quartz sand. Use this material in order to improve the adhesion of various materials.

Concrete contact is an excellent tool for laying the old tiles on a new. First, the old tile is washed from dust, dirt and stains. The solution is applied with a brush, roller or a makovitsa. Work should be carried out at a temperature of at least +5 degrees. Also, the solution is required to be constantly stirred, otherwise sand particles can be settled to the bottom. Completely concrete contact dries in nine hours. Also, the frozen concrete contact should not be allowed to settle dust. Therefore, kneading tiled glue and other work is advisable to carry out in another room. And you should also observe accuracy. Fresh concrete contact can be easily wiped with water if its drops are not where you need. But the frozen spot will have to be scraped off for a very long time.