Wall painting

If you are tired of listening to everyone, and you wanted a little antiquity on the walls, then you will suit you long ago outdated, but still a true and reliable way — painting walls. There are a lot of colors themselves for such a thing and when choosing, eyes just scatter. More colors are divided into two large types — these are paints for work on the street and for internal work. Differ only in that for external work, paint is much more resistant to atmospheric and natural manifestations.

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When choosing paint for your walls, you should imagine what surface you want to get. After all, there are matte and glossy colors. Different companies offer different quality so, for example, our manufacturers make the material not very high quality and it leaves stains and dries for a long time. But much inferior in price. Foreign manufacturers make the paint rapidly and it spreads without leaving traces of brush and divorces.

By choosing paint and selecting the color, you should decide on the tool that you will apply for the coating. Since one roller is painted in the corners and there is no way close to the floor and ceiling, you should take a brush. But there is a universal and reliable way to paint a special pulvizer. It will help to evenly apply paint on the entire surface and reduce the possibility of flows at times.