We improve the garden plot

Specialists recommend starting the improvement of any land. After that, there will be a lot of time when the trees become beautiful and large, that is, the faster they are to plant, the better. Along with this, it is worth considering that the trees will grow and begin to discard the shadow. For clarity, you can arm yourself with a notebook and pencil, and draw a simple plan, you can take ideas from the site. You need to start drawing up a plan with the buildings available on the site, residential and household, on a scale of one meter — two notebooks. After that, you need to think about the design of zoning.

The front part located in front of the house should be located on the part of the main entrance. Here the choice can be huge, it can be a fountain, a canopy with climbing plants, a rosary or several blue fir trees (fairly large trees), an alpine hill, a juniper of Cossack or a mountain pine tree, a simple lawn or a flower garden.

The recreation area in our view can have a platform with barbecue, a bench by a decorative pond, or a garden fireplace and the like. Be sure to think about a gazebo where you can arrange picnics in the summer or just read.

The economic zone is a building where it is to store equipment and agricultural equipment, an area for compost, manure, or gravel with sand, should be located in the farthest corner from the residential structure.

Prior to the start of the landscaping of the personal plot, landscaping work is performed, leaving the territory for a future gazebo, artificial reservoir or alpine hill.