We mount the corrugated board

To cover the roofs of buildings often use corrugated board. This is a relatively inexpensive and reliable building material.

Before the installation of corrugated board, it is necessary to ensure reliable waterproofing of the roof, using modern subcutaneous films. After the completion of this operation, the crate is laid on the prepared surface of the roof under corrugated board. A distance of 350 mm is strictly withstanding between the labels of the crate — this is dictated by the distribution of points for attaching self -tapping screws — special screws with waterproofing in the form of a rubber gasket around its head. The crate is continuous around the attic windows, fire hatches and chimneys.

During the installation of corrugated board, there are its own characteristics.

The corrugated board fits with the overlap of one sheet by another and, with high -quality installation work, such a “overlap” styling is quite reliable and serves for many years. For special reliability, the joints are treated with a special sealant — thiocol or silicone. Self -tapping screws with which the sheets of the corrugated board are attached to the crate, covered with zinc for protection against corrosion. The rest of the process of covering the roof by corrugated board is similar to work on laying other types of roofing materials.

Also, a galvanized sheet is used for the roof, especially it is suitable if your roof with a slight slope. The Chermetcom company offers various galvanized sheets with delivery to any region of Russia for sale.