What is liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is a type of modern finishing materials used to decorate the premises. Currently, liquid wallpapers are domestic and foreign manufacturers. Extensive color scheme makes it possible to diversify the shades of coatings. Due to the liquid wallpaper, the interior of the room becomes unique. The service life of such wallpaper reaches 8 years. Another advantage of this material is a low price. To use liquid wallpaper, it is enough to dilute the finished composition with a certain amount of water.

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Liquid wallpaper is made from natural components with antistatic properties, do not burn, do not emit toxins, do not attract dust. They are resistant to humidity, to temperature changes and to the effects of UV rays. Liquid wallpaper passes air, do not absorb the smell. Ideal for rooms with high humidity. Liquid wallpaper has good heat and soundproofing properties. They can leve the surface, slightly increasing the thickness of the layer. They fill all cracks and eliminate minor defects.

On the market, liquid wallpaper can be purchased two types:

— in the form of dry powder, which will need to be prepared by adding water;

— in finished form.

Liquid wallpaper is applied with a spatula, roller and spray. The advantage of such wallpaper is multiple repainting. Complete drying of the wallpaper requires 12 to 72 hours, at a temperature not lower than +10 ° C.

Applying liquid wallpaper to the surface does not require special skills, but for the best result, you should contact a specialist.