What to do with construction garbage?

During construction and ordinary repair, construction garbage is always formed — the remains of cement, boards, metal and wooden parts, etc. D. What to do with them and how to get rid of them? It is impossible to throw them into a regular garbage container and it is impossible to mix with other waste, so you have to solve this issue a little different.

Many order containers where they put garbage as it appears. However, after its filling or completion of repair or construction, the container must somehow be exported. Often this cannot be done independently, since filled containers are very heavy and cannot be raised by special lifting devices for cars. In addition, unauthorized garbage removal and dumping it into ordinary garbage containers or ravines are fraught with punishment for an administrative offense.

To prevent this from getting rid of this problem, you should contact a specialized company engaged in the export of construction waste. Do not run into the first company that has hit, since it may turn out to be an unscrupulous partner.

It is worthwhile if the company does not have a license for this type of activity, the established deadlines for waste export and garbage are violated, there are no containers of the required capacity, and there are also no sufficiently special equipment and employees for loading and unloading. In addition, inconvenient garbage transportation schemes and clearly overstated prices will be a negative characteristic.

That is why, choosing a company engaged in this activity, compare and analyze their proposals, pay attention to the listed factors and the experience of transporting and disposal of garbage. By choosing a company, be sure to conclude an agreement.

And finally, remember that construction garbage must be exported as it accumulates, because, taking up a lot of space, it can significantly complicate and slow down the course of construction or repair work.