Which basement to choose

Since the basement continues the foundation and is higher than the ground level and in a more anniversary environment, it needs to be given a little more attention during construction. According to the way they are located, they are divided into the outer wall, into the Western basement and protruding, there are also those that are located with a wall in a single plane.

Today, a more popular in the construction of a trampling base. Thanks to its form, water has the ability to drain from the walls when oblique rains fall. It also reliably protects the waterproofing layer, which is specially laid to protect the walls from moisture from the soil from moisture, in addition to everything, it protects the walls from different mechanical and atmospheric influences. The drowning base is built more economically than the protruding base, since it is much already. Also, through the displacement of the axial line towards the walls, it transfers efforts to the foundation.

The protruding base is more suitable for insulation of the basement or underground, since it has a large thickness. Since the waterproofing layer protrudes between the basement and the wall, it must be equipped with an additional drainage. If this is not done, then moisture will fall into the house and impregnate the walls, their destruction will occur.

The base, which is located with a wall in a single plane, is largely similar to a protruding base and has almost the same qualities.