Wood and steam plates

The most common material for the manufacture of furniture is the wood-based plate, that is, chipboard. It is made by hot pressing of wood chips, with an admixture of phenol formaldehyde and formaldehyde resins, as a binder component. Also, wood-bearing plates are made by extrusion extrusion, but this method is used only abroad.

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There are several types of chipboard based on the difference in the quality of the surfaces. The first class plates include chipboard with a smooth surface without various mechanical damage and malfunctions, are called polished. There are also chipboard non -coating on which you can see the entire internal structure of the plate. Another diva is a laminated plate, with a coating with a melamine film that looks like plastic. All plates of this class are used mainly in the furniture industry. The second class of plates includes the first class, and have small damage and chips. But they differ significantly for the price, and are much cheaper. In most cases, the second class is used in construction, but sometimes in the manufacture of furniture.