Hello!! My name is Jeanine

I love to eat, travel, and eat some more! I am married to the man of my dreams and have a beautiful little girl whose smiles can brighten anyone’s day!

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And your construction organization has a construction license?

By contacting a construction company to order a house to build a house, the future homeowner should be interested in the presence of some important documents in the company. One of them is a construction license, without which the organization does not have the right to conduct construction activities.

If you have learned that the construction company you have hired does not have a construction license?

If the customer turned to a company that does not have this document, then all the risks and all responsibility, including for emergency situations, theft and accidents, is transferred to the client. To avoid this, you can either be something unpleasant, contact the relevant authorities and “pass” the builders, or do not contact the “shabashniks” at all.

What does the construction company have a construction license?

If the company or brigade has received a license, this says a lot. Firstly, this is a certificate of reliability and responsibility of the company, indicates that the company wants it to be trusted. And if there are recommendations, a professional portfolio containing ready -made objects built by the company, then the degree of trust and reliability is increased. Secondly, a license is confirmation of the official status of the organization. And this, you see, is a serious advantage. In addition, the license means that all risks and responsibility remain on the construction of the company.

Types of construction licenses.

There are three types of construction licenses. The first and second licenses the design and construction of buildings and structures I and II levels of responsibility in accordance with the state standard, the third is engineering surveys for these buildings and structures.

Each type of “equipped” by the classifier of types of work, from which the types performed by the licensed company are selected. The price of the receipt (of the dealership) of the license depends on the number of these «points». In addition, the license shall indicate the region (territory of the Russian Federation) and the validity period (five years).