Apartment renovation types of repair

Repair planning occurs on the basis of assessments of the state of the housing itself. Help and consultations of specialists are useful when you yourself represent the level of tasks and your capabilities.

The repair of the apartment in the house is limited by the features of its design, so the main types can be distinguished depending on the depth of the changes – cosmetic, capital, specialized, stylistic. Cosmetic repair involves putting the surfaces in order, replacing obsolete, contaminated or damaged design and decor elements without changing the details of the planning and repair of internal engineering systems and communications. This is most often painting surfaces, replacing the wallpaper, possibly replacing flooring, partial replacement of the terminal devices of plumbing and power supply.

Overhaul is associated with the restoration or constructive change in the interior decoration, the replacement of all terminal devices in communications, replacing interior and entrance doors. During major repairs, it is possible to replace window frames and double -glazed windows, water pipes and sewage pipes, replacement of electrical wiring and electric reinforcement.

Specialized repair provides for changes in the design, restoration or replacement of part of the apartment equipment, a partial redevelopment permissible for the construction of the building.

Stylistic repairs are close in nature to the capital, since during this repair the task of adjusting or changes is carried out – creation – decor style and housing design.